Working Groups forge ahead in Bogotá
In October, our members gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, to share project updates on key initiatives they are working on. Held twice a year, these Working Groups form an integral part of Cargo iQ’s strategy to drive collaboration between members, offering an opportunity to share updates, hold detailed discussions, and introduce possible new initiatives which will strengthen Cargo iQ’s mission to create, maintain, and enhance planning and visibility from across the supply chain.

CiQ members gathered together in Bogotá for the second Working Group of 2023.
Hosted by Avianca Airlines, members from five sub-working groups presented updates on the key projects currently in progress for the organisation:
Care Protocols
This is a project aiming to bring the industry more visibility and control over the conditions under which a shipment is moved, by developing a plan and update per shipment for special cargo that needs care. This will have far reaching applications for the movement of pharmaceuticals, perishables, and live animals.
The Working Group identified the need for the GHA to share what care activities they are capable of doing in each location, in order for the carrier to then assign these care packages to each product they offer.
Considerations for next steps were also presented, including how to decide if a care package has been correctly executed, how the GHA upload will the data, and what will the report look like.
Service Parameters
This project is developing a solution that enables a forwarder to plan shipments that are time defined. This will allow Cargo iQ members to better plan and control their shipments in line with their time definite promises to customers.
The sub-Working Group agreed upon the next steps for progression, principally the need to define how to share the indicator for the CDMPs to verify if it is a time-defined shipment.
This project’s focus is to develop a method of communication tying together truck drivers with various stakeholders across the supply chain. The sub Working-Group has worked on a data model (e.g. truck specified data exchange) which is being aligned with IATA ONE Record.
This sub Working-Group is cooperating with the sub Working-Groups for MOP and the Care Protocol, representing the value of these meetings for fostering cross-collaboration within Cargo iQ.
Over this year, the MOP sub-Working Group has re-written the MOP in swim lane format, showing the freight and data flows for all stakeholders in the D2A (door to airport), A2A (airport to airport) and A2D (airport to door) processes. As part of this process, new milestone and status update requirements have come to light, such as RCS enhancements (RCS Failure process), DOC clarification, and Aircraft Loading and Unloading.
Now, the sub-Working Group is developing business scenarios which represent valid alternative flows and should be added as overlays to the MOP. The Glossary is also to be updated with new definitions and refinements. There is also joint work with the IATA Digital Cargo Working Group to help with the orchestration between the Cargo iQ MOP and the ONE Record data model and ontology.
This initiative is designed to provide shippers with a door-to-door (D2D) planning and measurement, particularly focusing on making this accessible for SME forwarders who typically work with agents.
The sub-Working Group has agreed upon a ‘best practice document’, with the recommendation for the planning route maps involving more than one forwarder to be seen as a practical solution.
The sub Working-Group also agreed to bring this topic to the ONE Record Hackathon in terms of finding a possible IT solution for the challenges around D2D implementation caused for broken shipment records.
We look forward to meeting again at the next Working Group, to drive further collaboration between our members. Story edited by