A view from the Board

Clark Fritzsch, Global Airfreight Director, Business Process Management, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, explains the importance of Cargo iQ in achieving standardization and transparency in the air cargo supply chain
Only a couple years ago, export declarations started to be digital in Germany. This was a major move to abandon the typewriter for a digital (MRN) format. At the same time though, an air waybill was still a document that had to be printed and signed at least eight times, and the flights mentioned were what the receiving end relied on. Isn’t it weird that the government of the country that is slowest to adopt digitalization is quicker than the airfreight industry? Most likely there are many reasons for this, but I believe one of them is that consensus was missing, and a general hesitancy towards “digital” within all parties involved prevailed.
I had heard of Cargo iQ in past engagements; hence I was eager to join in April 2021 as the representative board member for Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. I want to actively help define standards to overcome a lack of transparency and non-committal handling of all involved within the airfreight supply chain. I hope I can help gain publicity and popularity for this important group and do my part in pushing Hellmann but also the airfreight industry into not just the 21st century but the 23rd century.
Hellmann, being one of the early members of Cargo 2000, now Cargo iQ, has integrated the developed standards and data exchanges within the heart of their transport management system. It is used to help supply the most accurate data on airfreight movements to their operators, but most importantly their customers. Cargo iQ is so essential for Hellmann that the integration is actively sought to be further included within the system landscape.
As we navigate new times, the impact of transparency and commitments within the freight forwarding industry is huge. People, and thus companies, are longing for clear and transparent supply chains to have something to rely on, even when everything else fails. This is where Cargo iQ comes into play. It is now that we, as the moving parts within the supply chain, need to be transparent and accountable across all parties involved. Cargo iQ helps define the protocol and parameters in doing so, by giving rules and standards in what needs to be measured and displayed, with participants being held accountable for non-performance.
I believe every participant within the airfreight supply chain should either actively participate in defining the aforementioned protocols and parameters or directly adopt them. Airfreight won’t be able to prosper or even survive if we don’t all work together to move away from paper, to be more committal and more transparent. Time has told us again and again that digitalization shouldn’t and can’t be stopped.
As a part of the airfreight industry, let’s not be a follower but a leader in making tomorrow transparent, committed and responsible!
Story edited by meantime.global